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[Fwd: HTML errors in Debian's web pages translated to Portuguese]


Alguém disposto a ajudar nisso? :)

Michelle Ribeiro
Consultoria em Software Livre
Campinas - SP

-------- Mensagem Original --------
Assunto: HTML errors in Debian's web pages translated to Portuguese
De: Kaare Olsen <kaare@nightcall.dk>
Data: Ter, March 4, 2003 6:09 pm
Para: philipegaspar@terra.com.br

Hi Philipe and Michelle

There are a bunch of HTML errors in the Debian web pages translated to
Portuguese.  Please have a look at the errors here:


- and have your translators fix the errors. :-)

Some of the errors are from the English originals, those you can
igonore; see which ones here:


Regards, Kaare - <http://www.nightcall.dk/>

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