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[gmane.linux.debian.internationalization.general] Etherconf : call for translations

Dêem uma olhada... André?

Em Thu, 11 Mar 2004 22:31:27 +0100, Christian Perrier escreveu:

> Branden Robison agreed with Martin Quinson so that he (or another
> member of a translation team) is allowed to do a NMU upload of the
> etherconf package for switching it to the use of gettext templates.
> Martin did the patch, I applied it and now we are working on the
> templates translation.
> If other translation teams, or individuals, want to work on it also
> and benefit from the NMU, please use the attached templates.pot fie
> and send me back the resulting PO file.
> I expect to do the NMU in about 10 days...
> Brazilian translators, please contact me directly as some brazilian
> translations were already there but several strings are fuzzied.

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