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Re: Status of battery

On Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 10:38:11AM -0800, Heather wrote:
> > > > Another feature I miss is suspend-to-disk. My laptop has a replaced hard
> > > > disk, and obviously the BIOS doesn't support the suspend feature with this
> > > > disk (it doesn't work with Win95 or DOS either).
> Have you tried a FAT filesystem that fits within bootable BIOS limits?  I 
> know that MSwin's usual behavior is to have the whole drive space as one
> hugemungus C: - likely to give it indigestion, if you just bought an 18 Gb 
> drive and gave each OS 9 Gb or something like that.

Nope, didn't work as well. I wiped the disk and tried all combinations,
starting with a small DOS partition at the start of the disk (<32MB), a
larger partition (<64MB) etc. pp. Depending on the size and position, the
utiltity sometimes was and sometimes was not able to create the suspend
file, and then sometimes I was able to suspend-to-disk from DOS, but on
wake-up, it never again found the suspend file on the disk ;-(. Now I'm to
believe that indeed it just doesn't work with "unusual" disks.


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