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FW: Xircom Realport 10/100 CB not functioning

I had these cards with Dell Latitudes at our company. I had to use Red Hat 6.2 for them to work properly.
-----Original Message-----
From: paul@mainland.ab.ca [mailto:paul@mainland.ab.ca]
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2000 12:55 PM
To: debian-laptop@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Xircom Realport 10/100 CB not functioning

I tried doing an rmmod serial, the mod was removed, but I still had the same results.  I couldn't seem to find anything anywhere during the boot process that calls setserial, though just for kicks I did go into /etc/modutils/setserial and commented out everything in it.  Didn't help.  Am I missing something?  I do confess my knowledge of the whole boot / module load process is relatively limited.... <sigh>


> On Fri, Mar 24, 2000 at 10:22:58AM -0700, paul@mainland.ab.ca wrote:
> >
> > Looking through the archives, it seems people have been having success
> > using this card, I, however, have not.
> >
> > During the intial Debian base install, if I configure PCMCIA support, it
> > intializes fine, and finds the Xircom card no problem and configures the
> > tulip_cb module.
[ ... ]
> > eth0: Transmit timed out, status 686980c7, CSR12 000000c2, resetting...
> >
> > This continues until I bring down eth0.
> I had lots of problems like this. The problem is the serial module installed
> by setserial. Either remove setserial, or rmmod serial.o, and it should
> be happier.
> Tim

The module from setserial is toasting the ethernet?  And setserial is being
involved during Debian install?   Double ick.

Although I admit freely to toasting setserial out of hand, since it seems a
bad idea to "memorize serial port status" on a machine that (a) has changing
serial connections based on whether a card is in, and (b) has changing serial
connections when I'm at different sites...

My advice:
1) purge setserial.  I'm not sure I believe it's at the heart of what's
  happening to you, but it has been multiple flavors of a pain in the toot
  for laptoppers.  
2) If the Xircom continues to be trouble, buy a Linksys PCMLM56.  That's the
  10/100 with a built-on extension where the modem and ether ports are - the
  extension has status lights on top - and as an extra bennie, you get your
  other slot back (as long as you put it in the top bay)

* Heather * star@starshine.org *

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