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Re: My APM-enabled kernel compile isn't working well...

> Question #1:  If I can use this kernel but configure *something* to
> keep APM enabled, I'd probably use the kernel.  What can I configure?

the debian kernel has a custom patch in it (i don't believe it's been
integrated into the main src tree) which allows apm to be compiled in but
enabled by a command line parameter.  you need to add this line to your
/etc/lilo.conf (and then run lilo):


> I get a complaint about interference with the existing pcmcia modules.  
> So I decide to run the command with dpkg --force-conflicts -i
> ../kernel-sou*deb.

be really careful about useing the --force commands with dpkg, you're
likely to break things really badly if you're not sure what you're doing.

you might just want to install the standard debian apt lines into
/etc/apt/sources.list and use the generic debian kernel and pcmcia
stuff.  i'm not sure how well the debian/storm stuff will mingle.

> Question #3:  Why won't my laptop power down upon shutdown?  Or
> rather, what must I do to make this happen?

i believe all you need is apm turned on.  i think there is also a switch
to halt or shutdown that makes it turn it off rather then just shutdown,
check the manpages.

just so you know i've been using stock debian kernels with apm
successfully for at least a year.


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