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RE: TuxTops Amethyst 20U - CDR errors after suspend/restore


> Second issue is going to be getting this beast up and running under
> Debian (I've got a stock 6.2 RH (TuxTopified) install right now).  My
> main concerns are apm and sound, with apm being the bigger one.

AFAIK, stock debian kernels are compiled without apm support.
Compiling a new one worked for me. Various hints about compilation config
should be available in the laptop how-to.

About sound, it all depends on your sound card/chip : either it is supported
in OSS Free drivers, or you have to rely on the Alsa project. Again,
including one or the other in your kernel (probably as a module) should do
the trick.

Jean-Charles Bagneris
PGP/GnuPG public key : http://perso.mnet.fr/jcb/

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