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RE: Next step?

a quick guide to apt (there are docs-- install doc-linux-text, and you'll
end up with lots of docs in /usr/share/doc, including a guide to apt, and
dpkg, the debian packaging system)

apt-get update -- this updates a local database of packages that are
available. This gets the sources from /etc/apt/sources.list. Things you want
inthat file (at least):

the reference to 'security.debian.org' uncommented. This is for security
a pointer to 'stable' packages

you may _or_may_not_ want a pointer to testing packages. If you do, things
are likely to break. But, then, you'll learn more in trying to fix them, so
it's up to you.

apt-get install <packagename> -- this will attempt to install a package and
its dependencies. Note that it won't install 'suggested' packages, often
like the docs. If you search for the package on the debian
website(http://www.debian.org/distriblist/packages), it'll show you the
dependencies/conflicts, etc. It's pretty smart about dependencies, but it is
possible to get circular dependencies, etc. The error messages are pretty
good, too.

apt-get dist-upgrade-- if you want to update the core system of yours to the
next release (say, potato to woody)

apt-get upgrade -- this will look for any newer versions of anything that
you have installed, and if ready, it'll upgrade them.

dist-upgrade and upgrade will upgrade anything that you have -- including
your sawmill, etc.

There's a _lot_ more to know about this. Have a look in the docs, and good


-----Original Message-----
From: Søren Neigaard [mailto:neigaard@e-box.dk]
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 10:23 AM
To: debian-laptop@lists.debian.org
Subject: Next step?

Ok I will give Sawfish and Gnome a try. A few more questions then :)

If I install sawfish-gnome, does that meen that I have also installed
Gnome, or do I need to install Gnome separate?

What are the difference between Testing and Unstable?

Should I upgrade to testing/unstable first, or install sawfish first
(will sawfish upgrade together with the rest of my system)?

Med venlig hilsen/Best regards,
 Søren Neigaard mailto:neigaard@e-box.dk
 "Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried

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