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Re: mail readers

On Tuesday 16 July 2002 02:51 pm, Ken Shan wrote:
> On 2002-07-16T13:22:03-0700, Derek Gladding wrote:
> > KMail will handle maildir format as well as the POP/IMAP stuff.
> > Settings/Configure KMail/Network/Receiving/Add/Maildir Mailbox
> The problem is, as far as I can tell, KMail insists on moving the
> mail that is delivered into the Maildir away into another folder.  It
> doesn't seem to support leaving the mail where it was delivered and
> managing it from there (something I can do with Mutt, and prefer to
> do).  Did I miss anything?

Hmm, didn't notice that, but you're right.

KMail uses mbox format internally, so you can get it to sit on top of
a mbox based setup and not duplicate information. Not sure about how to 
do that if everything else is maildir based though. Sorry :(

- Derek

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