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Re: adding scripts to /etc/init.d ?

    "Gale" == Gale Stafford <gstafford@bitwiser.com> writes:

    Gale> I want debian to start pump when it boots up, so that I dont
    Gale> have to manually type "pump -i eth0" every time I boot my
    Gale> computer. I read this morning that I need to add a script to
    Gale> /etc/init.d for pump. Also I understand that I would need to
    Gale> create a link from that script to a file in my /etc/rc3.d/
    Gale> directory, since I boot into run level 3.  Are there any
    Gale> good reading materials on the net that would help me write a
    Gale> script to start/shutdown pump? I'm new to script-writing.

As an alternative, consider reading the man page for the interfaces
file (man interfaces). You could add lines like 

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

and run dhclient automatially on start up.


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