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Re: X11 forwarding problem


* E.L. Willighagen (Egon) <egonw@sci.kun.nl> [2003-08-03 21:57]:
>I quickly ssh-ed into my desktop machine and fired up an xterm...
>Cannot open display, bla bla...
>I *did* do the normal 'xhost +laptop', ssh -X desktop, and export 
>DISPLAY=laptop:0.0... I even tried 'xhost +'... I still get the "cannot open
>display" error...

You shouldn't use xhost or DISPLAY= if you use ssh. Either try one or
the other.

Make sure your sshd on the desktop allows X11 forwarding.

>Ideas? Need I make the X11 server aware that it may accept connections, other
>than with xhost?

No, because the connection looks like a local connection for the X

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