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Re: Installing XFree 86 4.3 on my laptop

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> writes:

>  I've recently upgraded to "unstable" (silly me, perhaps).

Why ? Using "unstable" is a good thing depending on your
motivations. Mine are : "get the latest, expose yourself to bad
situations, report bugs !". :p

>  I don't know if it's related or not, but my XIG AccelleratedX driver

Eurk :(=

>  has stopped working. So I wanted to give the XFree 86 4.3 drivers
>  another try. (I've recovered my system with the 4.2 drivers in
>  unstable.)

>  So putting
>  deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian ../project/experimental main
>  contrib non-free
>  in /etc/apt/source.list gets me the experimental drivers.

>  But when I try to install, for example, xserver-xfree86 it says I
>  have the most recent version.

Experimental behave differently from what you used to do. You have to
pass the experimental parameter to your apt-get command line otherwise
i just get its soft from the unstable.
>  Given that xserver-xfree86 exists in both the 'unstable' and the
>  'experimental' versions, how do I get apt-get to do the right thing?

apt-get -t _experimental_  you-package-names-here

>  Be seeing you,


I just found out that the brain is like a computer. If that's true,
then there really aren't any stupid people. Just people running

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