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Touchpad buttons swapped after upgrade to xorg

I have got a very strange problem with my old Compac Armada 1592DT.

First I installed Debian 3.1 stable. Everything worked fine except
the Spellchecker in OpenOffice seemed to accept any word as valid. I
had the same problem on many computers and did not find a solution,
therefore I decided to try an upgrade.

So I simply upgrade my whole distribution to Debian testing this
monday. Now OpenOffice works fine but I have a very strange new

I think the relevant change is the upgrade from XFRee86 4.3 to Xorg
6.8. I did not change anything in the XF86conf-4, I only renamed it
to xorg.conf.

Since I upgraded, the two buttons of the Touchpad are swapped
(lefthanded). However, my external USB mouse and also my external
PS/2 mouse does not show this problem.

If I configure "lefthanded" mouse in KDE, then the Touchpad works
righthanded but my two external mice are lefthanded. So I have no
Idea how to setup the mice that all are correctly righthanded.

In xorg.conf I use the imps/2 driver with the options "Buttons 5"
and "ZAxismapping 4 5". My touchpad works like a 3-Button PS/2 mouse
(although is has physically only 2 buttons) but I use the imps/2
driver to support the wheel of an eventuelly attached wheel mouse.

I want that the extern USB mouse and the internal touchpad work
because I use those two quite often.

Any ideas how I can fix the swapped mouse buttons from my touchpad
(except downgrading back to XFree86) ?

Author of SMS Server Tools

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