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Re: Trying Debian?

Laptop update:

Well, now i have a Fedora Core 3 distribution on my laptop.  I got a bit disheartened with the difficulty to install new software, and saw that FC3 had an apt-get tool. I tried apt-get on centOS, but it didn't work however (dependencies didn't work out).

Where FC3 falls short (and FC4 too, for that matter...) is the sound. The quality of the sound is not as good as it was in centOS, when I start up dosbox (an util that lets you play old dos games). Since yesterday however, the sound stopped working altogether. Probably it had to do with the FD3 Kernel upgrade.

That leaves me without sound... so I looked up a sound HOWTO that deals with recompiling the kernel :-/

Somehow I was hoping to avoid having to recompile a kernel to make a distribution work. That is the reason why I didn't install Debian in the first place, thinking it was a tool only for the  REAL purist-experts, and went with 'easy' distributions such as suse or fedora core 4 (both of which do NOT work). :-)

So the next step is *drum roll* recompiling the kernel and installing the sound driver (or module). I have a sound 'Howto' that tells me how to do it... With this new skill, hopefully I will have a working system... someday.

However... should I stick to FC3 for now, or should i really go to the debian side of linux? Or does the distro not really matter (that much)?


On 11/25/05, Jiri Svoboda <svoji@centrum.dk> wrote:
Johan van der Meer wrote:

> I have both Knoppix and Kubuntu.
> Also i've tried CentOS, and it's the only distro that actually managed
> to install itself without hanging up the system. However the
> resolution can't be set right (to 1280x800).
> I've just tried SuSE 10 :-( After the install, it didn't detect the
> monitor as it should, and now I''m stuck with a black screen. Booting
> failsafe, running yast (the setup tool), and selecting 'monitor' also
> produced a black screen :-/. So much for SuSE. Maybe I'm quittng too
> soon, but i don't really like suse that much, and I was willing to
> give it a shot only if it detected my hardware all in one go :-)
> So now I'm really thinking of going with Debian (and go on the
> adventure...). I've heard from a friend (who is a sysadmin and a linux
> geek, and gave me Kubuntu and Knoppix) that Debian has the better
> software support and online community. Is that true?
> Should I try out Kubuntu, or Knoppix? I have Kubuntu 5.04 and Knoppix 3.8
> Cheers,
> Johan
> On 11/23/05, *marc* < gmane@auxbuss.com <mailto:gmane@auxbuss.com>> wrote:
>     Johan van der Meer said...
>     > Is it, for someone fairly new to linux, feasable to install
>     Debian on
>     > a laptop?
>     It's feasible, and likely to be an adventure.
>     > To give you an idea on how my linux skills are:
>     >
>     > I have an Acer Aspire 1692, and in trying out different distro's
>     came
>     > upon the following things:
>     Search for as many howto and install docs for your specific model
>     as you
>     can and inwardly digest them.
>     > Would Debian be THE choise for me, or should I rather go with
>     SUSE (or
>     > another distribution)?
>     One of the benefits of Debian is that you can take advantage of
>     distros
>     built upon Debian. I don't think that I'm alone in using Knoppix to
>     assist with installation difficulties. Also handy is (K)Ununtu.
>     One other point, it is likely that you will have to move away from
>     stable, which brings with it possible problems of its own. With the
>     current state of testing, this might not be a great time to start on
>     this adventure.
>     Also, be prepared to compile your own kernel and a few
>     drivers/utilities. You might not need these, but don't be surprised if
>     you do.
>     --
>     Best,
>     Marc
>     --
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> --
> J.N. van der Meer, PhD-student
> Department of Clinical Neurophysiology
> Academic Medical Centre
> P.O. box 22700
> 1100 DE Amsterdam
> telephone: ++31.20.566.2965
> e-mail   : j.n.vandermeer@amc.uva.nl <mailto: j.n.vandermeer@amc.uva.nl>

You can try Kanotix, I was pleased (base: Debian / sid and system - Knoppix)

/ Jiri

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