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Configuring Network


I'm a new debian user (just one week ago) and I'm posting again about
configuring the network.

I know it's not a question concerning laptops but I've just installed
debian Sarge 3.1 in my laptop Acer Aspire 3002LCI and I'm not able to
connect to any other host.

When I try pinging a host I get: Destination Host Unreachable. Like my
network configuration were set wrong. I just passed the IP, network
mask, default gateway and DNS during the installation process. If it's
possible, I'd like to know what are the network configuration files
(or I have to use ifconfig if it's better).

Is there any service I have to start to enable the network card to
work fine? I saw some services in /etc/rcS like networking and
ifupdown but restarting them didn't work.

When I boot the system with the network cable connected to the RJ-45
port comes these messages:

Configuring network interfaces...done.
eth0: Media Link On 100mbps full-duplex

But without it:

eth0: Media Link Off

Also there's a service called MTA that takes too long (about one
minute) to initialize and I would like to know what is it for.

My lspci (just what is related to network):

0000:00:04.0 Ethernet controller: Sillicon Integrated Systems [SiS]
SiS900 PCI Fast Ethernet (rev 91)
0000:00:0b.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation: Unknown device
4318 (rev 02)

If there's another command for getting more information I'd like to be
aware, then I'd post more information here.

Some days ago, Andrei answered me and said posting in debian-users
list would be better. I'll post this message there too.

As I said, I'm a new debian user. I have other machines here with
Slackware and they work fine, but I want to start learning debian too.

Thanks a lot!!!


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