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Fwd: backlight stays off

Sorry about the direct reply.  Haven't gotten my mutt config to a
point I like it enough to switch from gmail's interface.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Berg <drberg1000@gmail.com>
Date: Feb 18, 2006 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: backlight stays off
To: Richard Mittendorfer <delist@gmx.net>

On 2/18/06, Richard Mittendorfer <delist@gmx.net> wrote:
> Also sprach "David Berg" <drberg1000@gmail.com> (Sat, 18 Feb 2006
> 12:37:30 -0600):
> > [...]
> > My current problem is the backlight.  Running `xset dpms force off`
> > works just fine and the system wakes up with no problem.  The problem
> > is with a lid event the backlight goes off (though the screen doesn't
> > blank) and I haven't been able to get it to come back on with out
> > rebooting.  This happens whether the acpi script is empty or contains
> > the `xset dpms force off` command.
> > [...]
> First, can you switch it back on with some tool, maybe via ssh or by
> blindly typing it in? 'cause I've heard of some issues with broken
> (display)drivers too.

xset dpms force [off|on] -- neither of these turned the backlight on
once it had been shut off by the lid event.

Is there another command I should try to toggle the state of the
backlight?  a cli to the driver or something similar?

It worked correctly under ubuntu, unfortunately the backup of my
ubuntu /etc is on my desktop which developed some hardware issues over
thursday night and is currently in the shop.



> (kernel)acpi should create events to acpid which then would exec the
> scripts in the /etc/acpi/action folder according to ./events.
> By cat'ing /proc/acpi/buttons/lid/LID/state you can get the current
> lid-state - if it is(gets) open(ed) and BL is off, issue a command to
> switch BL back on.

> sl ritch
> --
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