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Debian laoptop problems

I have an Averatec 3225 laptop which, until recently, has been problem free.

Unfortunately, over the summer, I was tempted and installed kubuntu.

This all worked nicely but screwed up my video modes, so I couldn't
get a textmode console. Further more, neither 'text mode' nor graphics
would appear on the external projector I use to teach.

So, farewell kubuntu, welcome back debian testing.

Or not.

For some reason it screws up the configuration of the via rhine II
onboard ethernet. The thing seems to come up and  gets an IP address
via DHCP, but the first attempt to use it hangs. Eventually the
transmit times out, the system announces that it's disabling IRQ11,
then somehow the link comes back up and everythihg seems to work - for
a couple of minutes, then we're back to...

The original testing installer I used was a few months old and
installed kernel 2.6.something-486.

OK, my machine is an AMD athlon, so download and installed
2.6.something-k7. Rebooted. Same result.

Pulled off the latest availbale k7 kernel and rebooted. Same thing.

Pulled down the latest testing install and reinstalled. Was *very*
impressed that it asked whether I wanted to use the via rhine or the
broadcom4306 (onboard) wireless as the primary n/w interface.

Unfortunately, I chose the via rhine (there are good reasons) and
ended up with pretty much the same problem.

I know there is nothing wrong with the network hardware because: it
worked perforectly for 2 years before this; kububntu configured the
network perfectly; I can run knoppix (4 or 5) and there are no network

So, currently I've installed from the knoppix (4.0) CD and run a
dist-upgrade. Required a few manual interventions but...

However, although this is a "debian-like" install I am still not happy
- my USB mouse is not discovered at all, for exanmple.

Really I'd like to go back to debian testing.

One thought: how about installing stable and then dist-upgrading? I
think the stable installer is quite different and therefore might not
have the same problems.

What do people think? Any other suggestions?
|Deryk Barker, Computer Science Dept. | Music does not have to be understood|
|Camosun College, Victoria, BC, Canada| It has to be listened to.           |
|email: dbarker@camosun.bc.ca         |                                     |
|phone: +1 250 370 4452               |         Hermann Scherchen.          |

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