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Re: It's a simple question....

* Lance Leishman <lanceleishman@gmail.com> [2007 Feb 22 07:09 -0600]:
> Joe Emenaker wrote:
> >>Paul Johnson wrote:
> >>    
> >>>Voting with your money is important when it comes to
> >>>compatability on Linux.
> >>>  
> >>>      
> >>I'd be all for getting something other than a Dell, but they were the
> >>only ones I could find that offered a laptop with a screen resolution
> >>meeting or exceeding 1600x1200. Does anybody know of any other, more
> >>Linux-compatible, laptops with that kind of resolution?
> >>    
> >
> >Thinkpads.
> >
> >[Take the period literal 8-) ]
> >
> >As mentioned in another post, there is good linux documentation about
> >them. Before purchase, you should visit www.thinkwiki.org to see what
> >works and how it works on linux and how others have configured their
> >systems.
> >
> >My 0.02.
> >
> >Johannes
> >
> >
> >  
> I would have to second the thinkpad option.  I am running etch on a t42 
> with 1600x1200 resolution and I couldn't be happier.  I do have a friend 
> who had some difficulty with getting etch to run on his t60p, mostly 
> because of his video card (ati), but he got that and everything else 
> working. 
> thinwiki.org is a life saver if you need help firing up Linux on a thinkpad.

I'll chime in and say that if one is looking to spend a bit less money,
the T23 is a good option.  The built-in modem is a bit problematic as
it is the Lucent chipset and requires the proprietary driver.  For
later kernels there is the martian modem project which moves the
proprietary blob to user space and thus does not taint the kernel.

I've had my T23 for two years after buying it used off of eBay.  So
far, no complaints.

- Nate >>

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