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Florian Reitmeir wrote:
On Sam, 03 Mär 2007, Micha wrote:

pinniped <cirilo_bernardo@yahoo.com>:
in fact you can implement much more secure communications with absolutely no "wireless encryption" but that takes a little effort.
Would you please give me an idea what you are talking about? Pure firewalling ? You probably know that anything like MAC addresses can be faked. I once had the plan to install some tools and try to hack our own routers, but i never got the time. I fear this will not change ;/

just use a VPN like open VPN, it provides strong auth&encryption

Out of curiousity, just what wireless routers are you thinking of? The only wireless routers I've seen that will accept vpn connections, and are not pretty severely limited in their vpn capability are in the $250 - $300 price range. That's a pretty steep price range for most home users, or at least it is for me anyway.

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