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Re: Suspend to disk?

* Michael <codejodler@gmx.ch> [2007 Aug 27 09:05 -0500]:
> I ran apt-proxy for years and it's actually a quite cool thing.
> But it's designed for serving many hosts (on a LAN).
> For home usage, updating laptops from a PC, it's way too much admin overhead IMHO.
> You always have to care to sync two config dirs (apt and apt-proxy), adjust the firewall, deal with update troubles (for example, python), and so on. 

That's kind of what I figured.  The two other machines are remote and
nowhere close to a LAN.  It's as easy to burn the .deb files to CD and
copy them manually as any other method for me.

> I really recommend KISS - keep it stupid simple, and just rsync or NFS mount the PCs apt cache.
> oh, and well thinking about your next argument ;) NFS server is always worth running on a linux home net, even with only one PC and one Laptop. And i don't argue over it ;) it's the best you can do, besides Samba. Where NFS is much faster.

Due to a suggestion from this very list I set up sshfs and have
jetisonned NFS.  There isn't enough of a performance difference for me
to worry about.  I am much happier about the security of SSH vs NFS.

- Nate >>

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