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Re: issues with HP dv5000 laptop

On Tue, Jan 22, 2008 at 01:40:44PM EST, Preston Boyington wrote:
> cga2000 wrote:
> >On Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 02:25:38PM EST, Florian Kulzer wrote:
> >
> >[..]
> >
> >I do realize that the above is likely offered more as a workaround than
> >a solution, but ..
> <snipped>
> After several installs and attempts to correct this issue I have finally 
> installed "stable" and upgraded everything BUT "x" related 
> fonts/servers/etc to "testing".  Currently everything is working like it 
> should graphically, but this is an awful way to get around this problem.

What's "awful" is the situation you ran into before you found this very
practical workaround.  I did run into a bunch of issues when I went from
sarge to etch but nothing like what you described in your earlier post.

Personally, I don't believe in .. "apt-get upgrade" .. I do a net
install of the new release on separate partitions .. patiently migrate
my stuff .. and switch when and ONLY when I know for sure that everything 
that matters actually works.  

Heck, likely I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer .. but last time it
took me over a year to get my internet connection to work on the new


The good thing is that while this "upgrade" method can be a little
time-consuming .. the tradeoff is that I get to know my system a lot


> I have placed a screenshot on my site that shows this:
> http://prestonboyington.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/badxonhplaptopscreenshot.png

Unless your religion forbids, you may want to install quality screen fonts
such as Microsoft's Verdana .. Tahoma .. et al for a nicer cleaner look.

As much as I dislike anything M$ .. nothing beats the top quality fonts
that money bought.

I'm a very occasional user of Microsoft products but from the little I
have seen this is the ONLY thing M$ did better than everybody else.

> (the screenshot is of an Ubuntu screen, but Debian does the same)
> Also, how can I tell what modules are being used for the internal 
> wireless.  The Ubuntu disk I used properly configured the wireless 
> PCMCIA card and the internal wireless so I want to see what it used. 
> Debian will eventually show you that there are wireless networks 
> available (using the PCMCIA card), but you can't connect to any of them. 
>  Given that stable and testing both enabled the card during the 
> install, I find it strange that it doesn't work after reboot.  I figure 
> its just a module that I haven't loaded.

Mine was a plain old wired NIC and getting it to work was what took me a
year .. see above.  And yes.. as it turned out, it was my fault .. if I
had read the doc, all the doc and nothing but .. I might have found the
solution in a matter of hours/days.  But as a dilettante user I never
imagined in the first place that what worked with "sarge" out-of-the-box
would not work likewise with "etch" .. fonts or nic's .. do we see a
pattern here ..?

cf. debian bug 352758 for details.

> Thanks everyone.

Well thanks to _you_ for bringing up this font issue.  I hope you find
the time and motivation to figure out a "real" solution to your/our
problem .. and the time to report and document accordingly.


PS. Folks, please note, this is not debian-bashing .. no way! 


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