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Re: Problems with battery charging


I don't have your laptop brand and never had your problem, but just a few quick shots:

asus_wmi seems to be the keypad backlight kernel driver. 

Old piece from 2011: http://lkml.indiana.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/1102.3/00970.html

I don't see how the wmi driver should be related to battery charging. Maybe it's rather random that the kernel message gets triggered.

Make sure your power connector is not flaky, or the supply adapter is working correctly. Try a replacement one (no need to buy, only for testing, maybe from a friend ?). Also check the battery connectors, and make sure that it's generally healthy.

If there are any (non-character) function keys  then make sure the keys  keys aren't flakey, like maybe dirty underneath, or simply damaged. Especially if you poured out your coffee over the keypad...
The touchpad could be flaky too, sending random input triggering some desktop shortcut function.

Counter-check with a different kernel version.

If you compiled a custom kernel you could disable the wmi driver. (Or is there a way to disable it at boot time, by boot options, for every kernel ? Dunno.) But as i said, i can't see the connection, and that should also only just clear the error message, not the problem.


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