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Hibernation with ThinkPad T14 AMD Gen 1 + 2


Back then when I bought the first ThinkPad T14 AMD Gen 1 I had memory 
corruption issues after resuming from hibernation several times. Which 
led to general protection faults and BTRFS filesystem errors. This also 
happened with sleep mode set to Linux. It was one with AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 
4750U and 32 GiB RAM.

Since that time I do not hibernate any of the ThinkPad T14 AMD laptops 
anymore. Including a ThinkPad T14 AMD Gen 2 one.

But I'd like to revisit that decision since there have been a lot of 
major kernel updates in between. But before risking the integrity of any 
of the filesystems on one of those machines again during testing, I'd 
like to gather feedback:

Anyone here hibernating a ThinkPad T14 AMD 1 or 2 regularly and can tell 
whether it works reliably? I am interested in experiences regarding both 
models, but for now mostly model 1. Of course if someone also uses BTRFS 
that would be even better.

On my research on the web I concluded that hibernation may work okay 
meanwhile. But as I do like to avoid any filesystem corruption issues, 
I'd like to read about more experiences before I make a decision.


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