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Re: Group Copyright

On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 01:53:30AM -0600, John Galt wrote:
> >How then should free software projects handle Copyright?  Advice would be
> >appreciated.  I'm sure I'm not the first person to ever worry about this.
> As a necessary evil :)  Seriously, the only real way to deal with it is
> to do what is the most comfortable thing for the group.  Imposition of
> solutions by fiat is not going to win any support, and may very well lose
> talent permanently.

I think you misjudge the intent here..  When this has come up before, one
group was unsure how to handle it.  The group in question is much smaller
now (for the moment) but includes some of the same people from the last
group who are still totally lost as to how to do it properly.  Best the
last group came up with was...

Copyright (C) whenver   contributors of such-and-such group
			See the file readme.foo for details

...with that file containing everyone's name, contact information, etc,
for all major contributions.  ("major" defined as anything you as the
author of the contributor of the code deem to be - with the singular
exception of one person who contributed the unrolling of a pair of for
loops which iterated through three-float arrays, which we didn't want
anyway.  But I digress..)

Anyway, I'm not sure if that is any better than just listing 30 lines of
names.  In fact, I suspect it's worse.

Joseph Carter <knghtbrd@d2dc.net>                   Free software developer

As a computer, I find your faith in technology amusing.

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