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Packaging DocSearcher

On Wed 18 June 2003 01:27, Jeremy Malcolm wrote:
> I don't know more than what you've said.  Re DocSearcher though, it is a
> shame that it doesn't seem to want to work as a browser applet.  When I
> originally stuck it in our "to-package" list it was because I figured it
> would be nice to stick on a law office intranet, to search through all
> the OOo documents on the file server.  Seems it will only search through
> local files though, which makes it a bit useless.  Or maybe I'm wrong?

It looks like it can be used as a browser applet to search docs on the 
intranet, as you imagined.  This site 
(http://www.brownsite.net/docsearch.htm) has a little bit about using it as a 
web interface.  Lucene (which DocSearcher uses) has info 
(http://jakarta.apache.org/lucene/docs/gettingstarted.html) that is relevant, 

I'm really pushed for time at the moment, but when possible I'll delve further 
into it.  In other words, I intend to package package DocSearcher as a 
browser applet for Lex, but if there's anyone with better expertise who wants 
to: feel free!  Also interested to hear any advice on this that anyone might 
have before I begin.


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