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tkx8.3: shell-script-fails-syntax-check ./usr/bin/tclhelp8.3


on http://lintian.debian.org/reports I found that some of my packages fail
this lintian check:

    E: tkx8.3: shell-script-fails-syntax-check ./usr/bin/tclhelp8.3

The script /usr/bin/tclhelp8.3 is started by /bin/sh as shell script and
then it execs the wishx interpreter to run the rest of the script which
is a Tcl source:

    # The next line restarts using wishx \
    exec wishx $0 ${1+"$@"}

    package require Tk 8.3
    package require Tclx 8.3

It obviously fails the test with sh -n because it is not a real sh script.
This trick is well known in the Tcl community and recommended by the Tcl

I suggest that you modify the lintian test to check for the presence of
one of the following regexps:

    "^# The next line restarts using (wish|tcl).*\\"
    "^exec (wish|tcl)"

and treat the program as a Tcl script in that case.

echo 16i[q]sa[ln0=aln56%1F+Pln56/snlbx]sb23C15C85417484EC5E429FD9776Asnlbx|dc;\
echo 16i[APq]sa[ln0=aln5C%1F+Pln5C/snlbx]sb72E28557F7FE184112F53F5FFDsnlbx|dc

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