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Bug#249414: lintian: Fails to detect usr-doc-symlink

Frank Lichtenheld <djpig@debian.org> writes:
> On Mon, May 17, 2004 at 11:29:23AM +0200, Rafael Laboissiere wrote:
>> My plplot packages are not lintian-clean anymore in testing and unstable as
>> they used to be two weeks ago.  I am getting the following lintian errors:
> [...]
>> So, my packages clearly depend on libplplot9, and lintian is failing to
>> detect this.  I think that the problem comes from an overzealous check in
>> the subrouting depends_on in file /usr/share/lintian/checks/copyright-file,
>> which forces the relationship to be "=", more specifically in this part of
>> the code:
>>     for (split(/\s*,\s*/,"$deps,$predeps")) {
>>     	# Now split the dep
>> 	# We don't allow alternatives, as we need a strong depends: The dependency
>> 	# has to be there whatever happens.
>> 	if (/^\s* ( [^\s\[\(]+ ) \s* (?:\( \s* (<=|<|=|>=|>>|>) \s* ([^(]+) \))?\s*$/x) {
>> 	    my ($d_pkg, $d_relation, $d_version) = ($1, ($2 || ""), ($3 || ""));
>> 	    return 1 if (($package eq $d_pkg) and ($d_relation eq "=") and ($d_version eq $version));
>> 	}
>>     }
> Hmm, this change was by HE:
> [HE] Change usr-doc-symlink-to-foreign-package check to throw an
> error when a package doesn't depend on the *same* version of the
> package its /usr/share/doc/$foo dir is symlinked to. This is
> supposed to ensure that both come from the same source and the
> same source version. (Closes: #201470)
> Perhaps you could explain it (CCed)?

No problem. /usr/share/doc/$pkg/copyright is the reason. As the
copyright notice is one of the most important files in a package (at
least seen from a legal pov) we have to ensure that it is always
right. This is only possible if both packages come from the same source
package and the same source version. We still have a little problem in
those cases where the version of a binary package differs from the
version of another binary package linking its /usr/share/doc/dir to it.

IIRC there is more information about the whole issue in the bug log for

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