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Bug#323053: should not report common shell extensions

Package: lintian
Version: 1.23.11
Severity: normal
Tag: patch

As recently discussed on debian-devel@, there is no good reason not to
use the common non-POSIX extensions which are supported by dash and
proprietary UN*X bourne shells, so they should not be reported as errors
(also considering that policy does not match the common packaging
practice nor what other distributions do, and that the release team
declared that they will not be considered RC).

The relevant features are:

test -a -o
command -v

kill -NAME was not discussed, but I believe that it should be added to
the list because it's supported by dash and kill -number is not portable
among linux architectures (see signal(7)).

--- scripts.orig	2005-08-14 14:11:41.000000000 +0200
+++ scripts	2005-08-14 14:21:44.000000000 +0200
@@ -456,10 +456,8 @@
 		  '(?:^|\s+)\w+\[\d+\]=',      # bash arrays, H[0]
 		  '\$\{\#?\w+\[[0-9\*\@]+\]\}',# bash arrays, ${name[0|*|@]}
 		  '(?:^|\s+)(read\s*(?:;|$))', # read without variable
-		  '((?:test|\[)\s+.+\s-[ao])\s',# test/[ -a/-o binary operators
 		  '(?:^|\s+)(kill\s+-[^sl]\w*)',   # kill -[0-9] or -[A-Z]
 		  '(?:^|\s+)(trap\s+["\']?.*["\']?\s+.*[1-9])', # trap with signal numbers
-		  '(?:^|\s+)(local)\s',        # local scoping of variables
 		  '(\&>)',                     # cshism
 		  '(\[\[)',                    # alternative test command


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