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Bug#351324: lintian: incorrect tcl test

James R Van Zandt <jrvz@comcast.net> writes:

> Package: lintian
> Version: 1.23.12
> Severity: normal

> lintian is declaring the emacspeak package in error as follows:

> E: emacspeak: tcl-script-but-no-tcl-dep
> ./usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers/dtk-soft
> N:
> N:   Packages that use tcl scripts must depend on the virtual package tcl.
> N:
> N:   In some cases a weaker relationship, such as Suggests or Recommends,
> N:   will be more appropriate.
> N:

> The script actually requires /usr/bin/tcl which is *not* provided by,
> for example, tcl8.3, but rather by the tclx8.3 package via the
> "alternatives" mechanism.  I don't think any other packages in testing
> or unstable provide /usr/bin/tcl.  (In particular, the tclx8.4 package
> does not provide /usr/bin/tcl.)

/usr/bin/tcl is definitely a TclX thing, not a Tcl thing, so I agree that
the check is wrong.

I'd rather still check the dependencies, though, so I'm trying to figure
out what the right dependency is.  I would expect the virtual tclx package
to be the right dependency, but as you say, tclx8.4 doesn't provide
/usr/bin/tcl.  Do you have any idea why?  It seems like it should; TclX
has always provided the tcl binary in my experience.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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