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Bug#415558: lintian: too pedantic about /usr/lib vs. /usr/share (image-file-in-usr-lib)

Colin Watson <cjwatson@debian.org> writes:
> Don't get me wrong: I'm not saying that we should fail to fix bugs just
> because "it's too much effort". Nor am I saying that the effort expended
> so far on moving files to /usr/share is wasted; hierarchies such as
> /usr/share/doc, /usr/share/fonts, and /usr/share/man are a very
> substantial win on heterogeneous shared systems. However, I do think
> that we're rapidly approaching diminishing returns on this. When the
> lintian warning is for a single image file in /usr/lib that requires
> fiddly build system changes to move (or fragile hacks in debian/ that
> would be liable to break on each new upstream version), I question
> whether this is a sensible use of developer time, and I question whether
> it really buys anything for administrators of heterogeneous systems.

I think that Debian's commitment to policies, even if it is hard work to
adhere to them, is one of the few things that Debian still has as
an advantage over other distributions. I don't see why we should stop to
nag maintainers to work on these issues.

Anyway, as Russ said, this is not an issue that should be decided
without having a discussion somewhere else, but I have to admit that I'm
against such a change.

BOFH #228:
That function is not currently supported, but Bill Gates assures us
it will be featured in the next upgrade.

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