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Bug#424164: lintian: don't complain about README/LICENSE files in zope Products

Thijs Kinkhorst wrote:
> On Tuesday 5 June 2007 17:07, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
>> we're talking about zope template files here, not just a stupid text
>> file living somewhere. It doesn't make sense to read a Zope template on
>> it's own, and it's not possible to drop a simple text file into it's
>> place instead. *.pt files are part of the web-application.
> I guess I've misunderstood the bug then. The changelog message said "they may
> be used for runtime display" which I read as "are displayed for an interested 
> user to see what licence the program is under". Would you mind to give me an 
> example when such a template would be used?

you'll have to wait until Zenoss is packaged. It is indeed to show the
license to interested users. Imagine it as what you'll see after
clicking on the 'about' button in your favorite office program.



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