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Re: GSoC status: classification, output format and more

On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 03:30:24PM +0200, Jordà Polo wrote:
> Finally, the changes to the code are available at git.d.o[7][8], but
> note that it is not yet ready to be merged and I may rearrange commits
> if needed (so don't be surprised if you see weird things in the log
> after pulling new stuff, a fresh clone will probably fix that).

Is it still your feeling that this isn't ready to get merged? Since
we now internally abandonded lenny for the unstable versions, I see no
real reason against merging it from our side.

> Comments, suggestions, thoughts? I would like to know what do you think,
> specially about the new output format.

A comment about the code of private/transtat: $verbose ge 1 is not
actually correct Perl (although it will probably work in most cases),
please use $verbose >= 1 (you maybe thought
of the test command when writing that).

Also please always use "use warnings" (which would have probably
warned you about that issue).

Frank Lichtenheld <djpig@debian.org>
www: http://www.djpig.de/

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