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Bug#719788: [pkg-php-pear] Bug#719788: lintian: downgrade warning for not using ${phppear:description} to wishlist

 ❦ 15 août 2013 13:20 CEST, Mathieu Parent <math.parent@gmail.com> :

>> I propose this patch to
>>  1. downgrade to wishlist the warning
> I agree. But only for summary and description (keeping high severity for
> deps substvars).
>>  2. explain to not blindly rely on PEAR package descriptions
> Yes.  And propose to send better description upstream. There is no reason
> to keep the improvement in Debian only.
> I will rework a bit the patch.

Yes, please.
printk("MASQUERADE: No route: Rusty's brain broke!\n");
        2.4.3. linux/net/ipv4/netfilter/ipt_MASQUERADE.c

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