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Bug#820964: [old-style-config-script-multiarch-path] false positive

Hi Niels,

I attach the output of sane-config:

$ sane-config
sane-config --version         - show installed script and SANE version
sane-config --ldflags         - linker flags required to link with SANE
sane-config --libs            - libraries required to link with SANE
sane-config --cflags          - compiler flags required to find SANE headers
sane-config --help            - show usage info (this message)          
sane-config --help SUBCOMMAND - show help for SUBCOMMAND                
sane-config --prefix          - prefix used during SANE compile
sane-config --exec-prefix     - exec-prefix used during SANE compile

$ sane-config --version

$ sane-config --ldflags

$ sane-config --libs

$ sane-config --cflags

$ sane-config --prefix

$ sane-config --exec-prefix

There is no multiarch path at the output. Sane-config use
"/usr/lib/*/pkgconfig". Therefore I have moved it to a package with
Multi-Arch: foreign.


GPG Fingerprint: 63E0 075F C8D4 3ABB 35AB  30EE 09F8 9F3C 8CA1 D25D
GPG key (long) : 09F89F3C8CA1D25D
GPG Key        : 8CA1D25D
CAcert Key S/N : 0E:D4:56

Old pgp Key: BE581B6E (revoked since 2014-12-31).

Jörg Frings-Fürst
D-54538 Bausendorf

Threema: SYR8SJXB

IRC: j_f-f@freenode.net

My wish list: 
 - Please send me a picture from the nature at your home.

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