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Bug#873211: lintian: does not warn about .class binaries

Hi Carnë,

> While improving the packaging of a Debian package, I found that the
> source release included .class files

I guess we should be explicit about the problem we are trying to
solve here; ie. which of:

a) That upstream ships .class files to begin with (which I worry and
suspect might be rather common in Java packages?)

b) We ship binary packages with .class files. This is not only quite
common from a quick grep, but it's not that much different from shipping
a .jar, surely?

c) We don't recompile whatever .class files end up in the binary,
potentially meaning we are missing the source, etc.


Best wishes,

     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby@debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk

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