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Bug#885042: Check inclusion of Apache 2.0 NOTICE files

Ben Finney <bignose@debian.org> writes:

> We may be describing different problems. I am responding to a bug report
> that claims:

>     Apache 2.0 requires distributing any NOTICE file along with
>     derivative works […]

> and I'm asking how that assertion squares with the text of the license.

Oh, if that was the question, the answer is that this was a quick and
mildly inaccurate paraphrase of the actual license text because my bug
report was written quickly.

Please assume that part of my message actually contains the full text of
the relevant point of the license.  It makes no difference from my
perspective in my request for a Lintian tag.

> That point also doesn't support making a Lintian error for failing to
> duplicate information that, when the Debian Policy requirements are
> satisfied by transcribing that information into the ‘copyright’ file
> installed with every binary package, entirely satisfies the Apache
> License 2.0 §4(d) requirements.

Well, I don't agree with your interpretation of either Debian Policy or
the license, and the active Lintian developers added the check I wanted,
so I'm happy.  If you want to try to talk the Lintian developers into
removing the check again, feel free, and I won't further get in your way.
I find this check very useful for all the reasons I previously stated, and
which I think are fairly obvious on this thread, so I'll be sad if that
happens, but I suppose I can write my own check if I need to.

I've already invested more time in this discussion than I will spend on
installing the NOTICE file for every package I'm likely to maintain under
this license for the next ten years, so I think I've exhausted my budget
of being willing to elaborate, particularly since I really don't have
anything more to add to my original rationale and my immediately previous
message.  My entire purpose in opening the original bug was to provide
Debian packagers a pointer to an easy way to avoid this fiddly bit of
license trivia with zero ongoing maintenance cost.  Talking it to death is
directly contrary to the entire reason I created this bug.  :)

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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