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Bug#898431: lintian.debian.org should emit source-contains-prebuilt-wasm-binary (backport file?)

retitle 898431 please update version of file(1) on lindsay.debian.org to detect .wasm files


> source-contains-prebuilt-wasm-binary source tag is not emitted due to
> too old file.

To clarify anyone else who had difficult parsing this, "file" here
refers to file(1)/src:file, not the to the prebuilt .wasm file itself.

Niels, is this one for us or DSA?

> wasm is a crap over a crap of nodejs communauty.

Please try and keep these inflammatory and ultimately non-technical
comments to a minimum. They can do nothing but demotivate the already-
overworked Javascript team from trying to fix these issues at their

> Why js file even minified an human could with some hard work undestand
> security implication.

I think what you are trying to say here is that precompiled files are
more difficult to evaulate and patch for security vulnerabilies. Is
that correct?


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby@debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk

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