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Bug#918291: lintian: duplicate word check for patches goes across subjects

Hi Craig,

> If a patch description ends with a word and the long description starts
> with the same word, lintian incorrectly considers this a duplicate word.
> For example:
>   Subject: Correct snmpwalk args in snmpcheck
>   snmpcheck used the old command line arguments for snmpwalk giving an
> lintian thinks "snmpcheck" is repeated, when they are different fields.

This was addressed previously in:


… so this could be "fixed" by moving the Subject to the first line
from my brief re-reading of the code.

(Parsing the Subject out seems a little bit out-of-scope and error-
prone for Lintian.)


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby@debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk

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