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Bug#864997: DEP-5 copyright checker

Hi Luke,

> so i wrote a program called copyright_check.py which covers every single
> possibility of what is correctly matched, what is incorrectly matched,
> and what is missing.

That's great! I have been looking for such a tool.

> copies of the original program are being made and distributed arbitrarily.
> one such copy (which ironically violates copyright) is here:
> https://fossies.org/dox/drizzle-7.2.4-alpha/copyright__check_8py_source.html
> one version may also be found here:
> https://github.com/jaredly/pyjamas/blob/master/contrib/copyright_check.py

Does it violate your copyright or someone else's? I see an assertion
of your authorship only in the second file. Neither file shows license

For Debian's benefit, would you please reply with a statement that the
program is solely your work? Please also attach a copy (not a link) or
alternatively, a pointer to a repository under your control. The copy
you send must further include the terms of your DFSG-compliant license
(preferably GPL-2+, which would be like Lintian) or a statement
placing your work in the public domain. Thank you!

Two more things: First, Lintian runs on Perl. Did you ever port your
program to any other languages? Second, I plan to rework the copyright
check, which has many open bugs. Please let me know if are interested
in helping:


Kind regards
Felix Lechner

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