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Problem in lh_binary_iso

Hello Daniel ;

I have the same problem with live-helper 1.0~a23-1 :

    Building dependency tree... Done
    P: Begin installing disk information...
    P: Begin copying binary includes...
    P: Begin copying binary local includes...
    P: Begin executing local hooks...
    P: Begin creating binary md5sum.txt...
    P: Begin building binary iso image...
    mv: ne peut d?placer `binary' vers un sous-r?pertoire de lui-m?me
    `chroot/binary'  <-------------------------
    P: Deconfiguring file /etc/hostname
    P: Deconfiguring file /bin/hostname
    P: Deconfiguring file /etc/resolv.conf
    P: Deconfiguring file /etc/hosts
    P: Begin mounting /sys...
    P: Begin mounting /proc...

This error come with the line 135 of "lh_binary_iso".

Best regards.

Jean-Francois Rousval

Daniel Baumann wrotes :
> use 1.0~a23-1.

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