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mount /var from hd during booting & disable autologin

Damian Lubosch wrote:
> I want to build a web-server which runs its system from CD (with "toram"
> option) but stores its data on /var. Thus I need to exchange the live-cd
> /var by my harddisk's /var during boot. I want to have persistent log
> data and a persistent database, of course. I plan to using an
> empty/prepared/just-for-this-purpose harddisk. I can even copy all
> contents from the live-cd-var to hdd-var, no problem. I just want it to
> take the hdd-var after one-time initialization.

by FHS, you would store your document root in /srv/$whatever anyway, so
i would rather mount your hdd partition as /srv, and not as /var.

> The easiest way would be just to add to the auto-generated-fstab
> /dev/sda1 /var auto 1 0 but I do not know where to add it.

give me a few minutes for that, i'll fix something in svn and let you know.

> Other topic I am trying to "trick out" is the auto-login. I found in
> Gmane's archives that it gets set in /etc/inittab. But where is it set?
> I want a proper login please. (It'll be a server)

use 'noautologin' boot-parameter in live-initramfs.

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann at panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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