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El mi?, 29-08-2007 a las 23:50 +0200, Ren? M?rou escribi?:
> Hi all,
> Im traslating into spanish and catalan the F#  windows.

Well !! :)

> Please check this one to see if i did the job well or i need to use other 
> encoding or any other problem.
> I dont want to make N traslations with bad result.
> This is traslated to spanish with utf-8 in the text but some marks arent in 
> utf-8 i guess.

3 questions

1) I remember i translate a custom isolinux templates, some months ago,
and i had problems using international characters... i don't know how it
works at today... anyone have test this tildes, etc on a CD ?

2) On line 12: s/Prerequesitos/Prerrequesitos/
It is the right word [0], [1]. Anyway, on the debian installation
manual, the word "Requisitos" is used in the section 2 of: [2].
Also google translate says, that: "Prerequesites = Requisitos previos"
that also is right, as show on the definition 1 of [1]

3) If you are going to do hard work (i was thinking about translate also
the manual pages, when they become "stable"), it could be nice to send
first the translations, to the respective "debian-l10n-es and
debian-l10n-ca mailing lists, and if nobody make corrections, then send
the work here.

Greetings and lot of thanks

And pointing to 3)... is a good time to start translations of manpages ?

> saludos

saludos (greetings)




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