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Bug#603114: live-build: be more careful in passing arguments to debootstrap

On 11/15/2010 09:50 PM, Michael Hudson wrote:
>> that's for the first two changes which are fine as i said, 
> No, it's not.

hm? i don't understand..

>> but i've asked about the second two changes:
>> -        ${LB_ROOT_COMMAND} debootstrap ${DEBOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS}
>> --download-only "${LB_DISTRIBUTION}" chroot "${LB_MIRROR_BOOTSTRAP}"
>> +        ${LB_ROOT_COMMAND} debootstrap ${DEBOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS}
>> --download-only "${LB_DISTRIBUTION}" chroot "${LB_MIRROR_BOOTSTRAP}"
>> i don't think they make sense. could explain why you think this should
>> be changed?
> This is the difference between passing '' and passing nothing as the
> last argument:
> $ foo=; set -- "${foo}"; echo $# x${1}x
> 1 xx
> $ foo=; set -- ${foo:+"$foo"}; echo $# x${1}x
> 0 xx
> It's passing an empty final argument to qemu-debootstrap rather than no
> final argument that confuses it.

but LB_DEBOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT is never empty.

>> not for 2.x, since that's in maintenance mode. for 3.x, we're going to
>> drop a lot of code and support multistrap only. and multistrap already
>> allows to cross-bootstrap, so there's not much point in adding
>> qemu-debootstrap support. what do you think?
> I'm not sure, to be honest.  It'll likely be a while before we catch up
> to 3.0 anyway -- we're still invoking 'lh build', not 'lb build'...

once squeeze is released, 2.x is dead and you'll have to maintain it on
your own for anything non-serious that isn't affecting squeeze. i hope
you can update to 3.x by then, and suggest you help working on 3.x
rather than wasting time with 2.x.

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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