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Re: failed to add packages to the live cd

On 08/03/12 08:59 AM, Nadav Vinik wrote:
> There is a problem with the live build.
> This work:
> lb config --archive-areas "main contrib non-free"
> lb config --packages-lists "xfce"
> lb config --packages "phpmyadmin"
> sudo lb build

First of all, avoid running lb config multiple times. Read live-manual
chapter 6 about that. That being said, that is not your specific problem.

> This not:
> lb config --archive-areas "main contrib non-free"
> lb config --packages-lists "xfce"
> sudo lb build
> lb config --packages "phpmyadmin"
> sudo lb build
> after that, only the base system install without xfce or phpmyadmin

That is as expected. You have ignored the messages in your log that told
you that the stages that would have rebuilt it with the changes to your
config were skipped due to having been run already.

Please read live-manual which covers the basics of how to use the tool
properly. You need 'sudo lb clean' between builds when you make changes
to your configuration that affect the chroot stage.


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