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Re: Re: Why unwanted gnome will be instaled on wheezy live?

I've pin live-build 3.0~a65-1 to config/packages.chroot and I've done the following to use metapackages:

# lb config
# echo "task-lxde-desktop iceweasel" >> config/package-lists/my.list.chroot

like in the http://live.debian.net/manual-3.x,

but still get Gnome desktop.

On Oct 11, 2012, Ben Armstrong <synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca> wrote:

On 10/11/2012 05:01 PM, upiter77@lycos.com wrote:
> # dpkg -l | grep live-build
> ii live-build 3.0~a51-1 all Debian Live - System build scripts

That's the version currently in wheezy. As discussed earlier, it is
planned to have a freeze exception made for the one in sid. Please use
that one instead. Please also read http://live.debian.net/manual-3.x as
quite a number of changes have been made. Particularly, package lists
are no longer supported in 3.x. Use metapackages instead.

> and still don't know what's wrong or which live-build version do I need?

live-build 3.0~a65-1 is current in sid and is the best version to use,
and the only one we will support going forward. Also, unless you use the
task-lxde-desktop metapackage (as the standard lxde live images will)
but only want a subset of the full lxde desktop, you'll need to pull in
the lxde metapackage from sid (see live-manual APT pinning section of

> BTW I didn't have this problem 2 days ago using the same live-build version.

The wheezy distribution is a moving target. We have no control over the
rate at which other packages migrate into it. As I said, gdm3's
dependencies on more and more stuff has gradually worsened throughout
the wheezy release cycle. I suppose some additional material migrated
into wheezy that depends on even more than before. Though that is not
specifically a live issue, but reflects changes in the archives as a whole.


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