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Re: binary-images hdd does not work

Could someone answer to my problem ?
Should I reinstall something ?

Thank you

2016-04-24 15:25 GMT+02:00 jannik laval <jannik.laval@gmail.com>:
Hi everybody,

I just tried building an hdd image, as explained on the manual : http://debian-live.alioth.debian.org/live-manual/stable/manual/html/live-manual.en.html#232

The script works, and at the end, I have no .img file.
The end of the script gives:
0+0 enregistrements lus
0+0 enregistrements écrits
0 octet (0 B) copié, 0,000541969 s, 0,0 kB/s
!!! The following error/warning messages can be ignored !!!
P: Mounting /dev/loop1 with offset 0
Warning: The resulting partition is not properly aligned for best performance.
dd: impossible d'ouvrir « chroot/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin »: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
P: Begin unmounting filesystems...
P: Saving caches...
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done

I am using Debian 8.4 and live-build 4.0.3-1.

Thank you for the help

~~Jannik Laval~~
Responsable Pédagogique Licence Coordonnateur de Projet en Système d'Information
IUT Lumière, Université Lyon Lumière
laboratoire DISP

~~Jannik Laval~~
Responsable Pédagogique Licence Coordonnateur de Projet en Système d'Information
IUT Lumière, Université Lyon Lumière
laboratoire DISP

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