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Re: live-config scripts 0030-user-setup and 0030-live-debconfig_passwd

On 2021-10-26 22:41, paul@gilbertson.biz wrote:
As a way of changing the default user password, there was a way of
placing an encrypted password string in the /etc/shadow account for
debian live systems by using the "0030-user-setup" script.  Here is
part of the script:
                   # Default password is: live
	# passwords can be generated with 'echo "live" | mkpasswd -s',
	# a blank password is 'U6aMy0wojraho'.

Since Bullseye, all hashing is supposedly done with yescrypt as the
default.  However, the only the following weak hashing algorithm of
"descrypt" seems to work for changing the user login password. When I
use  "mkpasswd -s -m descrypt"  everything works flawlessly and I can
login with the new password.  Is there a way of using the "mkpasswd -s
-m yescript" with this 0030-user-setup script so I can login with the
normal user with a custom password and have a more secure hash?

Another question is what is the difference between using the
live-config script labeled "0030-live-debconfig_passwd" as supposed to
"0030-user-setup".  Since the 0030-user-setup comes last would you
need to use both scripts or just the last?  When I use just the custom
"0030-user-setup" script with the  with and encrypted password string
made with "mkpasswd -s -m descrypt" the  password login works.  When
would I need to use the other script?

Sorry I made a simple mistake in that the password created with "mkpasswd -s -m yescript" needs to be in single quotes not double. Sorry about that. I still would like the an answer for the second question on the difference between "0030-live-debconfig_passwd" and "0030-user-setup". The scripts look very similar.


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