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Debian live-build: Specifiying grub menu label for grub-efi

My /auto/config has the line: "--bootloaders "syslinux, grub-efi". This generates an image which can be installed both on bios and uefi machines without any problem (i.e. grub-pc is installed for bios, and grub-efi-amd64 is installed for uefi, both tested in virtualbox). For changing the grub menu label entries, I have included the following /etc/default/grub file:


During installation I am receiving a messaged that the /etc/default/grub file has been changed, and whether I want to use the package maintainer's version. For bios, if I choose "keep the version currently installed", the grub boot menu shows "MyLinux" and "Advanced Options for MyLinux" as expected. However, for uefi, this fails - if I choose "keep current version", I just get a grub terminal during the post-install boot. If I choose to install the package maintainer's version, it of course overwrites the /etc/default/grub. Post-install grub loads without a problem, but the menu entries are the regular "Debian GNU/Linux" etc. Can somebody please help me understand how the grub menu labels are generated with grub-efi - what settings do I need to change so that the menu label shows "MyLinux" etc.? 


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