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Live Debian Image Boots on Some Systems not Others

Hey all; I am trying to understand why my live image boots fine on some systems and not others.

I followed the directions for the minimal (128MB) live image at https://live-team.pages.debian.net/live-manual/html/live-manual/examples.en.html.

- All systems reach grub.
- Various systems boot Linux and failsafe fine.
- When it doesn't boot, there's a kernel panic and the errors are:

run-init: can't execute '/sbin/init': No such file or directory
run-init: can't execute '/bin/init': No such file or directory
run-init: can't execute '/etc/init': No such file or directory
Target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init


Obviously there's something happening with the filesystem. I've been trying to figure this out without luck.

I've tried rebuilding the image, redoing the tutorial, verifying the image, and passing various flags to grub (toram, rootwait). Searches online have not solved it.

Any ideas are greatly appreciated.


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