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Re: Questions regarding lsb-invalid-mta

On Tue, 2013-06-25 at 00:19 -0400, Jeff Licquia wrote:
> All we need to do is...
> Depends: default-mta | mail-transport-agent
> ...and the right thing happens.
> (The "default-mta" package is provided by exim4-daemon-light.)

I'm confused. I want to submit a bug report, but I need to understand
things properly first.

After a fresh install of Wheezy, selecting only the base packages,
desktop environment packages, and print server packages,
exim4-daemon-light is installed by default anyway. Thus, the entire
subject at hand should never really be an issue for Debian users, it
only seems to be a problem for Canonical. Talk about the tail wagging
the dog...

If we get rid of lsb-invalid-mta, and make "default-mta |
mail-transport-agent" a dependency of lsb-core as you say, then people
who have removed exim4 after installation are going to get it installed
for them again, including an active SMTP daemon, when they install
lsb-core. This is fine, however, either one of the following must be

1) The lsb-invalid-mta package description is correct; having an active
SMTP daemon introduces a hideous and unnecessary attack vector, Linux
machines don't belong in server halls anymore, they don't have static IP
addresses, and everyone uses Gmail and Hotmail anyway.


2) Debians default behaviour is correct; having an active SMTP daemon is
sufficiently useful, safe and common that we should install it by
default on all systems.

If 1) is true, then we need a package which provides sendmail without
installing an SMTP daemon. If 2) is true, then your solution mentioned
above is fine. However, they can't both be true.


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