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Re: [SECURITY] [DLA 3735-1] runc security update

Am Montag, dem 19.02.2024 um 07:11 +0100 schrieb Salvatore Bonaccorso:


> > Debian LTS Advisory DLA-3735-1                


> The DLA reservation for this update in data/DLA/list seems missing,
> can you push the changes there? Otherwise there is potential that
> there will be a duplicate DLA assingment apart that as well the
> tracker will not show up correctly the fixing information.

I'm sorry. I was sure I pushed it. I merged my commits now and pushed.

> Out of interest: For CVE-2024-21626 upstream mentioned in their GHSA:
> Affected versions: >=v1.0.0-rc93,<=1.1.11. If this is not correct then
> it might be worth pointing it out to upstream so they can adjust the
> affected version range. Do you know more by chance?

That is interesting and does not reflect my understanding. I planned
talking to upstream anyway. However, most of the patchset for CVE-2024-
21626 contains hardening measurements to prevent similar attacks. Thus,
I believe that these patches are valuable in any case.

Regards, Daniel

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